Use a Password Manager for your Healthcare Practice

Scott Laberge
Written by Scott Laberge
· 14 min read · Posted in Security

In the age of cyber attacks and data breaches, it’s more important than ever to keep your sensitive information safe. That’s why healthcare professionals need to start using password managers. Password managers can help you create strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts, and keep them all stored securely in one place. They can also help you fill in login forms quickly and easily. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a password manager as a healthcare professional, and explain why it’s vital to the success of your business.

What is a password manager and why your business needs one

A password manager is an essential tool to help keep your online accounts secure. It helps you create complex passwords for each website and service that you sign up to without having to remember each one.

Instead, you remember a single master password, which is used to access the software and log into all of your other accounts. The software also stores the passwords in an encrypted format and can generate new ones if required.

If you’re part of a small team, having a password manager that supports shared vaults is an essential tool in keeping your passwords safe and secure. With shared vaults, everyone on the team can securely access their own set of passwords, as well as share specific sets of passwords with other members. This makes it easier for everyone to stay up-to-date with the latest information without having to remember or update all the credentials on their own.

Shared vaults are especially important in healthcare settings, where confidential patient data and other sensitive information must remain secure. By using a password manager that supports shared vaults, teams can easily manage access rights to different levels of staff based on their roles, allowing them to control who has access to what information. In addition, they can also create emergency backups if needed in case a user loses access to their account or suffers a data breach.

Moreover, having a shared vault system makes it easier for teams to keep track of changes made by each user on any set of passwords. This allows users to quickly and easily review the history of changes made by each user on any given set of passwords and ensure that only authorized users have accessed them.

The benefits of using a password manager

Password managers are invaluable tools for anyone seeking to secure any online account. They securely store and generate complex passwords, meaning users can significantly reduce the time they spend trying to recall them while also creating strong, unique passwords for each account they create. Leading password managers also incorporate 2 factor authentication mechanisms helping you secure your accounts.

When it comes to data breaches, the main reason most of them occur is because people reuse passwords.

Reusing passwords makes you vulnerable to cyber attacks, as hackers can use leaked passwords from one site to gain access to your other accounts. This is because many websites either store your password in an unencrypted format, or they encrypt passwords using easily breakable algorithms.

In order to prevent data breaches, it’s important to use a different password for each of your online accounts. This way, if one account is compromised, the rest of your accounts will remain safe and secure. Password managers can help you create and store complex passwords for all of your accounts, making it easier for you to stay safe online.

In addition to generating unique, complex passwords, some password managers have native support for Two-factor authentication (2FA). Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an increasingly important security measure that helps protect user accounts from being taken over by attackers. 2FA works by requiring users to have two forms of authentication - something they know, such as a password, and something they have, such as a one-time authentication code generated via a password manager or sent via email. This makes it much more difficult for hackers to access your accounts and makes it nearly impossible for them to gain access if they don’t have both forms of authentication.

When compared to traditional passwords, 2FA provides more protection against account takeovers because it’s incredibly difficult and time consuming to crack both pieces of authentication. Even if a hacker manages to guess your password, they still need the second piece of identification before they can log in successfully. Furthermore, many organizations use advanced algorithms to detect suspicious login attempts which further limits the chances of a successful breach.

In addition, two-factor authentication can be used with other security measures like malware scanning and encryption protocols. By using these additional layers of protection alongside 2FA, organizations can ensure their data is kept safe from malicious actors even if their passwords are compromised. This helps create an environment where users can feel secure knowing that all their confidential information is kept safe from prying eyes.

Two-factor authentication is one of the most effective ways to prevent account takeovers and protect businesses from data breaches caused by malicious actors. With its added layer of security, companies can confidently keep their user accounts safe without sacrificing convenience for their customers or employees.

If unique, complex passwords and two-factor authentication weren’t enough of a benefit, an effective password manager will also integrate with your web browser via a plugin to fill out online forms and log into websites with one click as well as change passwords periodically so that accounts remain secure over time.

Overall, using a reliable password manager is essential in today’s digital environment, offering valuable layer of protection against intruders.

How to use a password manager in your business

Password managers are essential tools for businesses of all sizes, but are frequently overlooked by smaller boutique companies. The decision to bypass the fundamentals of password security typically end up in businesses loosing access to vital accounts including their email, client databases and social media accounts.

As a small business, you’re ahead of the curve if you have a defined password policy. Most micro businesses bypass this step, so let’s make it easy for you:

  • Use a password manager at all times for generating passwords
  • Use a minimum of 20 characters (upper and lower case letters and numbers) for every password
  • Use a unique password for every online service or website
  • Use 2-factor authentication on every service that supports it (and store your 2-factor auth backup codes in your password manager)
  • Use your password manager’s native ‘shared vaults’ feature to securely provide access to specific passwords for team members with the appropriate permission

With the above policy and a team-based password manager in place, your business will be much more resilient to password attacks. Your team members can also securely save, store and share passwords without needing to remember them or writing them down on paper.

It’s important to remember that a password manager is only as good as the security of the computer it’s installed on. If your device is compromised, then the passwords stored in the password manager are also at risk.

That’s why it’s essential to train all staff on how to use a password manager and what to do if they suspect a password may have been compromised. Employees should be encouraged to report any suspected breaches immediately so that appropriate action can be taken to protect the business and its data.

In addition, businesses should have a plan in place for dealing with a data breach in case one occurs. This plan should include steps for notifying affected users, resetting passwords and securing systems against future attacks. Having a solid data breach response plan can help minimize the damage caused by an incident, and can help businesses get back up and running quickly.


If you’re like most people, you have dozens of online accounts that require a password. And if you’re like most people, you probably use the same password for multiple accounts. This is a terrible idea, because if one of your passwords is compromised, hackers can gain access to all of your accounts.

One way to help protect yourself from this problem is to use which can be found natively within various commercial password managers. It’s important to periodically check if any of your email addresses have been in a data breach. Haveibeenpwned aggregates data breaches from around the web and allows you to search by email address or username.

If you find that your email address has been in a data breach, then it’s time to change your passwords immediately! Start by logging into your compromised account, then finding the ‘change my password’ form. Next open your password manager and generate a new complex, unique password for the site in question and use that. If possible, also setup 2-factor authentication at the same time.

Additionally, administrators can set up procedures for team members to follow to create, modify and delete passwords whenever needed. By streamlining these processes, your business can ensure maximum security without wasting time.

The best password managers on the market today

1Password and Bitwarden are two of the leading password managers on the market today.

1Password has been a trusted choice for years, offering users secure storage of passwords and other sensitive information, as well as sharing capabilities that allow multiple users to access important accounts with ease.

Bitwarden, while relatively new on the scene, is gaining ground with security-conscious users due its openness in terms of auditing and strong encryption protocols. Both 1Password and Bitwarden have advanced features such as secure password generation and multi-factor authentication, making them excellent choices for any user looking for an easy-to-use yet highly secure password manager.

Setup a Master Password for your password manager

A master password is a password that you use to unlock your password manager. It is the one password you need to remember. A unique master password is important because if it’s compromised, all of your other passwords are also at risk. That’s why it’s essential to use a strong, unique password for your master password that you won’t forget.

It’s also important to remember that you must securely store your master password somewhere. If something happens and you forget it, there’s no way to access the other passwords stored in the manager so make sure you store it in multiple secure locations that only you can access (for example, on paper in your physical safe). Additionally, consider setting up two-factor authentication for your password manager using a hardware token such as a Yubikey.

If you suspect your master password has been seen by someone, change it immediately (and also update your backup copy in your safe). Loosing or forgettign your master password will mean you’re locked out of all your passwords indefinitely.

By following these steps and using best practices such as strong passwords and two-factor authentication you can keep all of your accounts safe and secure without having to worry about them being compromised.

How to keep your passwords safe

Keeping your passwords safe should be your number one priority.

If you’re not using a password manager yet, now is the time to start. With so many benefits and such easy setup instructions, there’s no reason not to give one a try. Be sure to do your research when choosing a password manager as they are not all created equal.

The best password managers on the market today offer a variety of features that can make your online life much easier and more secure. Remember to always keep your passwords safe by never sharing them with anyone and keeping them in a secure place.

If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to better password security.

If you’re emailing sensitive information, make sure to take the proper precautions to keep it safe. Here are a few tips to help you secure your emails and protect your data.