Should You Study Yoga In The UK Or Abroad?

Adriana Griffith
Written by Adriana Griffith
· 5 min read · Posted in General

Whether you are a trainee yoga therapist or an experienced yoga teacher looking to enhance your skills, when it comes to enhancing your skills should you be looking to embark on study at home or abroad? Both options are viable choices and have a range of pros and cons, and in this article, we thought we would take a closer look at both options and the impact that they can have on your business.

The pros and cons of studying abroad vs home

Studying yoga therapy abroad in countries such as India can be a wonderful way to enhance your knowledge, giving you an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in this ancient practice’s culture, traditions, and teachings. Learning from the masters in the locations where yoga originated will help you better understand its roots and philosophy, enriching your knowledge and training methods.

However, studying abroad also has a number of challenges, particularly when compared with training here in the UK. The first is the time investment and costs involved. Going abroad to places like India requires significant funding and will also see you having to spend a long time away from your business. There are also factors such as language barriers and cultural differences to consider, as well as the challenges that come from adapting to new environments.

However, while it can be tough, those challenges help to foster personal growth, resilience and adaptability, which are invaluable qualities for a yoga therapist or teacher.

How can it impact your business?

Opting to study yoga abroad gives you a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge and cultivate genuine authenticity in your teaching. Having that exposure to the diverse methods, philosophies, and practices the elders provide will help broaden your perspective, allowing you to pass that experience back onto your clients.

Those teachings will also give you greater confidence when leading sessions. Mastering advanced techniques, receiving feedback from experienced instructors, and practising in different settings will also showcase to clients your authenticity, making you a far more attractive prospect.

For small business owners, studying abroad is a huge expense, which is often a significant hurdle to overcome. However, it should be considered an investment in the future of your business, offering a substantial ROI that can transform your operations. Once you have completed your studies, you will be able to provide superior, more authentic services that will set you apart from your competitors. In turn, this will let you command higher rates and attract a loyal and long-lasting customer base.

Is there funding available to support teachers?

There are certain funding schemes and grants available for UK-based yoga therapists and teachers to help cover some of the expenses related to studying abroad. Organisations such as the British Wheel of Yoga or the Yoga Alliance offer scholarships, bursaries, and funding support to aspiring young professionals. Various universities and educational institutions also provide financial aid for studying abroad so it is worthwhile investigating what options you have available to you.

You may also be eligible for tax relief on training if it’s specifically related to your area of business (a business expense). This is worth checking out in more detail with a qualified accountant or tax advisor.

Is it right for you?

Only you can decide whether studying yoga abroad or at home is better for your business and your future. Both options have their pros and cons; however, the opportunity to gain authentic skills and knowledge can often outweigh the challenges of training abroad.

Investing in yourself can help you to attract more clients and build a strong, successful, and profitable yoga therapy business. Taking your time to explore funding options can help alleviate the financial hurdles, allowing you to make studying abroad a reality and take your yoga journey to new heights.


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